Nwater borne diseases in nigeria pdf

Which of the following disease appears frequently in epidemic form in ethiopia. The city corporation has taken several steps to create awareness of waterborne diseases and precautionary measures. Each year about 3 million deaths occur worldwide due to diarrheal diseases. Waterrelated diseases are a human tragedy, killing millions of people each year account for 80% of all deaths in developing countries. Typhoid fever is caused by ingestion of salmonella typhi bacteria in food or water and affects about 17 million people each year, causing some 600,000 deaths. Association of waterborne diseases morbidity pattern and. Jul 20, 2017 waterborne diseases are caused by a variety of microorganisms, biotoxins, and toxic contaminants, which lead to devastating illnesses such as cholera, schistosomiasis and other gastrointestinal problems. An assessment of water related diseases in a nigerian. Food and waterborne diseases ministry of health nz. Water borne diseases are leading causes of morbidity and mortality in all age groups. Pdf an assessment of water related diseases in a nigerian. Cases of water borne diseases linked to contaminations of drinking water with pathogens have also been reported in several towns 28,29,30. The relation of water diseases is subdivided into four johnson and paull, 2011.

Drinkingwater find out about the ministrys work and initiatives on drinkingwater, wastewater and sewage food find out about food safety and standards, food regulation in new zealand, and common foodborne illnesses including salmonella, campylobacter, and li. Waterbornevector related diseases are those diseases that are spread by insects that depend on water for survival and. Foodborne diseases those resulting from consumption of any solid food or milk, water, or. Types of waterborne diseases according to the environmental protection agency epa, only about 22. There are two major foodborne diseases caused by microorganisms. Water borne vector related diseases are those diseases that are spread by insects that depend on water for survival and. Ensuring universal access to water and sanitation, the major preventive action for preventing these diseases, is one of the united nations. The interruption of transmission is achieved by proper treatment of drinking water. What knowledge do households in bamendankwe village possess in the practice of the prevention of water borne diseases and. It is well recognized that the prevalence of water borne diseases may be greatly reduced by providing people with safe, sanitary disposal of feces and provision of clean drinking water. Waterborne diseases are conditions caused by pathogenic microorganisms that are transmitted in water. Water related diseases who recognizes that access to adequate water supplies is a fundamental human right.

Also, care must be taken when selecting a water purification device. Waterborne diseases an overview sciencedirect topics. Poor access to improved water and sanitation in nigeria remains a major contributing factor to high morbidity and mortality rates among children under five. A disease transmitted by drinking water or by contact with potable or bathing water is referred to as a waterborne disease. While diarrhea and vomiting are the most commonly reported symptoms of waterborne illness, other symptoms can include skin, ear, respiratory, or eye.

Occurrence of diarrhoea and other waterborne diseases in cities of developing countries has been on the increase over the decades largely due to unsafe water, inadequate sanitation and poor hygiene among human population. The infection is caused due to drinking water, or may be a chance of occurring from swimming water, by these two ways. About 97 per cent of earths water, unfit for human consumption. People can contract these diseases when they drink water that contains dangerous microorganisms, including viruses, bacteria, singlecelled organisms. The lead coordination and response unit for domestic and global water, sanitation, and hygiene washrelated disease, including 11 pathogens, in cdcs national center for emerging and zoonotic infectious diseases. Children in this age group suffer from an average of 2. While diarrhea and vomiting are the most commonly reported symptoms of waterborne illness, other symptoms can include skin, ear.

Of the 36 diseases, 12 are caused by bacteria, 4 are caused by viruses, 19 are caused by parasites, and 1 has numerous infectious agents. Sep 29, 2016 the diseases spreading through contaminated water are known as waterborne diseases. Trends of reported foodborne diseases at the ridge. Waterborne outbreaks have the potential to be rather large and of mixed etiology but the actual disease burden in europe is difficult to approximate and most likely underestimated.

Water borne diseases are lethal threat to children in. To prevent food and water borne diseases, backcountry users need to decide what types of food to take on a trip, and how food will be stored and prepared. Borts presented before the engineering section of the american public health association at the seventysixth annual meeting in. The above facts, to some extent, underscore the importance of infectious diseases in understanding morbidity in a developing country like nigeria. Water borne diseases disease acquired by drinking water contaminated at its source or in the distribution system, or by direct contact with environmental and recreational waters.

The most common waterborne diseases in nigeria include cholera, dracunculiasis, hepatitis, and typhoid 27. Data on 1,334 cases of various waterborne diseases was collected from eight public hospitals with catchments covering the study area. Waterborne disease prevention branch dfwed ncezid cdc. In 2006, merely 17 waterborne outbreaks were reported by five. Download the pdf to view the article, as well as its associated figures and tables.

There are many waterborne diseases, which causes of various infections. Water borne diseases prevailing in emohua includes typhoid fever, cholera, diarrhea, hapititis, gastrointestine and many more, which have been observed every year both in dry and wet seasons. Which of the following is not a water borne disease a. Pdf assesment of the water quality and prevalence of. The excessive concentrations of these parameters seem to be related to the reported cases of water borne diseases in the town at the time of the. Infectious waterborne diseases, which discusses 36 infectious diseases of man that can be or are strongly suspected of being transmitted by water. Food poisoning occurs when a microorganism produces a toxin in a food, when people consume the food, the ingested toxin causes damage to the body. Common sources of infection drinking water contaminated at its source. The majority of these pathogens derive from human or animal faeces, and are transmitted through the faecal. Quick encyclopedia of life support systems eolss year.

In 2006, merely 17 water borne outbreaks were reported by five countries, clearly significantly underreported. Apr 22, 20 water borne diseases, prevention and guidelines for safe drinking watermade by. Lagos, nigeria pana water borne diseases continue to afflict people in kinpena village, south of chawal district, in northern nigerias kaduna state. An assessment of water related diseases in a nigerian community. Ecoli cfu decreased with depth of wells and distance from pit latrines. Pdf 3 pages in the national center for emerging and zoonotic infectious diseases innovative technologies pamphlet. The use of contaminated drinking water and poor sanitary conditions result in increased vulnerability to waterborne diseases, including diarrhoea which leads to deaths of more than 70,000 children under five annually. Lagos, nigeria pana water borne diseases continue to afflict people in kinpena village, south of chawal district, in northern nigeria s kaduna state.

This study examined the relationship between the spatial pattern of waterborne diseases visa vis water quality in parts of ibadan city in nigeria. The some of the infections are cryptosporidiosis, escherichia coli, giardiasis, harmful algal blooms, legionellosis, naegleria and amebic meningoencephalitis, norovirus infection and shigellosis. Water borne outbreaks have the potential to be rather large and of mixed etiology but the actual disease burden in europe is difficult to approximate and most likely underestimated. In most cases, food borne and water borne diseases may be prevented by implementing. The latest research shows that diarrhea is the second leading cause of death for children under the age of five, causing more childhood deaths than malaria, aids, and measles combined.

The main cause of waterborne disease is due to an infectious agent. The current study was undertaken to describe the trends and pattern of diseases related to water and foodborne pathogens reported during the period 2009 to 20 at the ridge hospital in accra, ghana and to provide a baseline that could serve as a guide in the establishment of sentinel sites or a surveillance system for diseases in the country. Griffiths, in international encyclopedia of public health second edition, 2017. Drancunculiasis guinea worm disease is primarily transmitted by fecal oral. Malaria and lymphatic filariasis lf are the two most important vector borne parasitic diseases worldwide. Waterborne diseases, such as cholera and typhoid, are the diseases that are transmitted through drinking water. Greater than 80% of cases are among children under five years old. Of the seven most common waterborne diseases in the world, diarrhea is the central symptom. Water borne diseases in india written by ajay pal singh chabba, 310520 there are places that have an abundance of water and others where water is the main concerning issue and womens daily job consists of sourcing water for their household. Partners in the water, sanitation and hygiene sector are scaling up to target 1.

Unesco documented that, waterrelated diseases are among the most common causes of illness and death, affecting mainly the poor in developing countries. Mar 31, 2016 nondiarrhoeal waterborne diseases while most waterborne pathogens cause diarrhoeal disease, a few important waterborne diseases affect other parts of the body. Disease can be spread while bathing, washing, drinking water, or by eating food exposed to contaminated water. The waterborne diseases can also occur if contaminated water is used for washing utensils, fruits and vegetables, especially if these are eaten raw. I transmission and preventation of waterrelated diseases j. In africa these diseases are both primarily transmitted by anopheles species.

The corporation is taking steps to treat water at the source itself, city health officer. The concept of groundwater pollution has been defined differently by many scholars. In ogun state, southwest nigeria, diarrhoea is one of the three diseases the others being typhoid fever and cholera which together are the second most prevalent waterrelated disease omole et. Many waterborne diseases have been referred to as the intestinal or filth diseases because they are usually transmitted by water that has been contaminated with human feces or feces from domestic and wild animals. Water borne diseases, prevention and guidelines for safe.

And these diseases are prevalent to children than the. The contamination of water may be due to bacterial, viral or protozoan organisms. Many of southern somalias rural and urban areas rely on shallow wells, which unless they are protected or treated with chlorine can be a perfect breeding ground for water borne diseases. An analysis of well water quality and the incidence of water borne diseases in emohua communities, rivers state, nigeria vincent ezikornwor weli and vincent anaboro ogbonna, department of geography and environmental management, faculty of social sciences, university of port harcourt, p. For instance, diarrhoeal diseases are largely caused by unsafe. Waterborne disease s include dysentery, cholera, typhoid fever and a wide range of other parasitic infections these diseases kill more than a million people each year, many of them children in developing countries.

Outbreaks of waterborne diseases often occur after a severe precipitation event rainfall, snowfall. These diseases are prevented through avoidance where possible of water contact. In ogun state, southwest nigeria, diarrhoea is one of the three diseases the others being typhoid fever and cholera which together are the second most prevalent water related disease omole et. According to the world health organization, diarrheal disease accounts for an estimated 4. Prevalence of waterborne diseases and microbial assessment of.

Foodborne diseases those resulting from consumption of any solid food or milk, water, or other beverage outbreak cdc. Waterborne diseases remain as leading causes of human morbidity and mortality worldwide. Two or more persons experiencing a similar illness after ingestion of a common food or beverage. Riverine communities and waterborne diseases in south eastern.

These infectious diseases still remain leading causes of premature death among adults in the developing world lindgren et al. Botulism 19902000, cdc reported 263 individual cases from. Epidemiologic analysis implicates the foodbeverage as the source of illness. Waterborne diseases in india written by ajay pal singh chabba, 310520 there are places that have an abundance of water and others where water is the main concerning issue and womens daily job consists of sourcing water for their household. Shane, in principles and practice of pediatric infectious diseases fourth edition, 2012. The integrated control of infectious diseases is a control strategy that combines, if relevant, the abovementioned approaches who 1983. Clean water is a prerequisite for reducing the spread of water borne diseases. Prevention practices from water borne diseases within. In nigeria, microbial contamination of drinking water sources have been reported in several states 1015. Abstract malaria may, to some extent, be a waterborne disease, but that the malaria plasmodium or poison gains admittance into the system wholly by way of the stomach, we think we have ample evidence to lead us to doubt. Those cases occurred mostly as a result of water coming from noncommunity systems as opposed to community or individual systems. In ogun state, southwest nigeria, diarrhoea is one of the three diseases the others being typhoid fever and cholera which together are the second most. Waterborne diseases diseases caused by ingestion of water contaminated by human or animal faeces or urine, which contain pathogenic microorganisms 7. This involves with bacterial, viral or protozoan organisms.

Nigeria has the largest burden of malaria and lymphatic filariasis in africa yet very little is known about the distribution of anopheles mosquitoes that act as vectors for both diseases, how the species interact, overlap or differ across the country. Riverine communities and waterborne diseases in south. Transmission and preventation of waterrelated diseases. Waterborne diseases are caused by a variety of microorganisms, biotoxins, and toxic contaminants, which lead to devastating illnesses such as cholera, schistosomiasis and other gastrointestinal problems.

As nigerians continued to struggle for portable drinking water, expert has said that no fewer than 1 billion people in the developing world, including nigeria have no access to portable water and. Despite numerous efforts by government at various levels and other agencies interested in water and its safety, waterborne diseases are still a major public health and environmental concern. Assesment of the water quality and prevalence of water borne diseases in amassoma, niger delta, nigeria article pdf available in african journal of biotechnology 717. Water borne diseases, prevention and guidelines for safe drinking watermade by. The billions of naira invested in the satellite technology can be utilized to solve the earthly problem of the supply of borne tap water to struggling villages in the interior of nigeria. Borts presented before the engineering section of the american public health association at the seventysixth annual meeting in boston, mass.

The data must be interpreted cautiously, as differences between countries are likely to reflect the efficiency of surveillance systems rather than differences in outbreaks, and data were available for only 14 countries. Association of water borne diseases morbidity pattern and. Because climate change increases the severity and frequency of some major precipitation. Foodborne and waterborne diseases, including infections and intoxications, are acquired by consumption of contaminated food.

Nigeria has the largest burden of malaria and lymphatic filariasis in africa yet very little is known about the distribution of anopheles mosquitoes that act as vectors for. Association of waterborne diseases morbidity pattern and water quality in parts of ibadan city, nigeria occurrence of diarrhoea and other waterborne diseases in cities of developing countries has been on the increase over the decades largely due to unsafe water, inadequate sanitation and poor hygiene among human population. Water borne diseases can be transmitted through ice prepared with water from unreliable sources. The prevalence of these diseases is particularly linked to the dearth of potable water in most parts of the developing countries. Many bacteria, viruses, protozoa and parasites can cause disease when ingested.

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